BIOS 150 Introduction to Microbial and Molecular Biology

Fall 1997 Presentations of Winogradsky Column Reports
BIOS 150 Winogradsky Column Reports 
Fall 1997
Anna Sobol presenting with Swati Raychowdhury and Kati Quire
Kim Connor presenting the results of her PCR on DNA from isolates
Group 5
Amy Kohler presenting her results for an isolate
Jenny Sochar and her results
Dana Parent with his results
The ethidium bromide stained gel at left displays the results of Kim's PCR on the isolated genomic DNAs (templates) from several of her unknown isolates and control DNA templates. She used primers for rRNA genes and was able to confirm the identities of closely related isolates when the biochemical tests were inconclusive. Lane C: E. coli control DNA. 
Lane 2: unknown isolate's DNA, low template concentration. 
Lane 3: unknown isolate's DNA, high template concentration. 
Lane 4: second unknown isolate 
Lane 5: yeast DNA template 
Lane 6: no template DNA
Kim Connor's agarose gel
Experiment description
Lane descriptions