Package simpledb.query

Interface Summary
Constant The interface that denotes values stored in the database.
Expression The interface corresponding to SQL expressions.
Plan The interface implemented by each query plan.
Scan The interface will be implemented by each query scan.
UpdateScan The interface implemented by all updateable scans.

Class Summary
ConstantExpression An expression consisting entirely of a single constant.
FieldNameExpression An expression consisting entirely of a single field.
IntConstant The class that wraps Java ints as database constants.
Predicate A predicate is a Boolean combination of terms.
ProductPlan The Plan class corresponding to the product relational algebra operator.
ProductScan The scan class corresponding to the product relational algebra operator.
ProjectPlan The Plan class corresponding to the project relational algebra operator.
ProjectScan The scan class corresponding to the project relational algebra operator.
SelectPlan The Plan class corresponding to the select relational algebra operator.
SelectScan The scan class corresponding to the select relational algebra operator.
StringConstant The class that wraps Java strings as database constants.
TablePlan The Plan class corresponding to a table.
TableScan The Scan class corresponding to a table.
Term A term is a comparison between two expressions.

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