Part VIII. Applying the Analytical Method

Investigation 34: Analysis of Wild and Cultivated Samples of Danshen

With our analytical method optimized and its accuracy verified, we turn, at last, to applying our method to the analysis of samples of Danshen roots. Table 6 provides absorbance values (in mAU) for danshensu and for tanshinone I in wild plants harvested from five different cities in the province of Shandong, China, and in five plants harvested from a single cultivated field in which good agricultural practices that emphasize agricultural sustainability are used.

Table 6. Results for Analysis of Danshen Samples
Danshen Source absorbance (mAU)
for danshensu
absorbance (mAU)
for tanshinone I
Wild Samples (Cities in Shandong Province)
Sanshangou 21.6 123.8
Yuezhuang 10.3 055.3
Dazhangzhuang 11.8 067.6
Pingse 37.2 042.1
Mengyin 10.0 132.0
Cultivated Samples (Lot Number)
020208 23.4 136.6
020209 23.7 137.1
020210 23.3 137.5
020211 22.8 148.0
020212 23.5 150.8

Investigation 34. Calculate the concentration of danshensu and the concentration of tanshinone I in each sample (as mg analyte/g sample). For each set of samples—wild samples and cultivated samples—calculate the mean, the standard deviation, and the relative standard deviation for each analyte and comment on your results.