These narratives are fashioned from information I gathered from several Malaysian and Thai acquaintances of mine, old and new, who were good enough to spend time with me recalling their experiences with learning the San Zi Jing as children. From their various reports I constructed narratives that, I hope, will convey some of the atmosphere of how the classic was learned by them and people of their generations. The narratives are highly stylized because that's the way they remember being taught. In addition, there are some more fully-fleshed out accounts of some of the stories alluded to in the classic.

The narratives cover only the first and final sections of the San Zi Jing because almost universally, my sources' families came from semi-illiterate backgrounds (in terms of the classical Chinese language), and none of the family members who taught them had in fact studied any of the books and authors mentioned. There are cross links to the original translation, for ease changing between the narratives and the more basic translation.

The narratives:
1.  Fundamental Knowledge
2. Examples and Exhortations