The schedule below outlines each day's main topic(s) along with reading assignments and suggested end-of-chapter problems from the textbook, and additional essays that cover topics not included in the textbook. Unit exams are shown in bold. An extra day is built into each unit to allow us time to catch-up if we need to devote additional time to a topic.

Quick links: thermodynamics, equilibria, kinetics, wrapping up, final exam

Unit I: Thermodynamics

In which we develop an understanding of why some reactions are favorable and other reactions are unfavorable, and in which we learn how to predict if a reaction is favorable and how that favorability is affected by temperature and the composition of the reaction mixture.

Unit II: Equilibrium Chemistry

In which we learn to predict the composition of a system when it reaches a state of equilibrium and in which we apply this to systems of acid-base reactions, solubility reactions, and/or complexation reactions.

Unit III: Kinetics of Chemical Reactions

In which we explore how a reaction's progress changes with time and in which we learn what this macroscopic information conveys about the reaction at a microscopic level.

Unit IV: Wrapping Up

In which we revisit the topics of Units I, II, and III, reviewing what we covered and extending our understanding of the relationships between thermodynamics, equilibrium chemistry, and kinetics.

Final Exam