

Initial Discovery and Clinical Aspects

Mode of Inheritance

Linkage Studies

Molecular Work

Molecular/Biochemical Properties and Characteristics of Cri Du Chat-Related Proteins

New Diagnostic Procedures


Links to Cri Du Chat Support Groups

Cri Du Chat Syndrome Home

OMIM--Cri Du Chat Syndrome

eMedicine--Cri Du Chat Syndrome

orphanet--Cri Du Chat Syndrome

iHOP--Informational Hyperlinked over Proteins [CTNND2] (delta catenin)

Delta Catenin

Telomere Reverse Transcriptase and the relationship to CdCS

More Telomere Reverse Transcriptase and the relationship to CdCS

Information on Semaphorin F

Information about diagnosing CdCS

Delta Catenin and the relationship to CdCS

Lejeune's Paper on CdCS


Cri Du Chat Syndrome Home