


Symptoms & Treatments


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HLA Gene

Myelin Basic Protein

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The symptoms of MS were first identified in the Middle Ages before they knew what the disease entailed. Looking back on these descriptions, scientists can now undoubtedly identify the symptoms as MS. MS was one of the first diseases to be described scientifically. Autopsies were performed in 1838 clearly showing what we today recognize as MS.

In 1868, Jean-Martin Charcot, known as "the father of neurology" at the University of Paris, observed a woman with unidentified tremors, slurred speech, and abnormal eye movements. Upon her death, Dr. Charcot examined her brain and discovered "plaques" or scars which are characteristic of MS. He described the disease, its symptoms, and alterations of the brain but was baffled by the cause of these symptoms and their resistance to treatment. Dr. Charcot treated patients with electrical stimulation, strychnine (a nerve stimulant), and injenctions of gold and silver (used to treat syphilis at the time).

In 1873, Dr. Edward Seguin from the United States and Dr. Moxon from England first recognized MS as a characteristic syndrome. By the end of the 19th century, the following observations about MS were known: the diease is more common in women than men, it is not directly inherited, and it produces different neurological symptoms.

Coronal slice of brain from a patient who died with MS. Demyelinated plaques are clearly visible in white matter (large arrows). Small plaques are also observed at the boundaries between gray and white matter (small arrows). [Basic Neurochemistry ed. Siegel (1998)]






1868 : MS described by Jean-Martin Charcot.

1878 : Myelin discovered by Louis Ranvier.

1916 : Detailed microscopic description made by James Dawson revealed the basic damage done in MS.

1935 : An animal form of NIS (EAE) developed by Thomas Rivers, ultimately suggesting an autoimmune basis for the disease.

1946 : National Multiple Sclerosis Society founded by Sylvia Lawry.

1948 : Under an early NMSS grant, oligoclonal bands discovered in the spinal fluid by Elvin Kabat and others, provided a diagnostic test suggestive of MS and linking MS to immune system problems.

1965 : Definite criteria for MS diagnosis developed by NMSS expert committee.

1969-1970 : ACTH used to treat MS exacerbations. This was the first controlled trial of a successful treatment for MS: it used newly standardized diagnostic criteria and rating scales to evaluate the efficacy of treatment.

1981 : MRI first used to examine a person with MS. MRI revolutionized diagnosis and provided evidence that MS is a constantly active disease even when symptoms abate.

1993 : Beta-interferon 1b (Betaseron) approved as the first drug to alter the course of MS.