Problem Set 2

Now that you are familiar with the R functions for simulating a cyclic voltammetry experiment and viewing the resulting cyclic voltammogram, let’s explore the relationship between the simulation’s variables and the cathodic peak current for a system in which the initial redox reaction is OX + ne- \(\rightarrow\) RED. As a reminder, the cvSim function takes the following variables, each with a default value.

cvSim(e.start = 0.20, e.switch = -0.30, e.form = 0.013, 
      n = 1, ko = 1, alpha = 0.50, d = 1e-5, area = 0.04, 
      temp = 293.15, scan.rate = 0.04, cox.bulk = 6.1e-8, 
      cred.bulk = 0, t.units = 200, x.units = 50)

With the exception of the last three variables–cred.bulk, t.units, and x.units—explore the effect of each variable on the cathodic peak current. Explore one variable at a time, leaving all other values at their default values. Be sure to explore a range of values, including, where possible, values on each side of the default value. Identify those variables that do not affect the cathodic peak current. For those variables that do affect the peak current, try to establish the nature of the relationship between the variable and the peak current; for example: are they directly proportional? are they inversely proportional? does the proportionality involve a power (such as a square or a square root)?