R is a programming language designed primarily for data manipulation, calculations, and graphics. An R script is text file that contains a function (a sequence of commands) that, when executed, returns a useful output, such as the result of a sequence of calculations or a visualization of data. An R package is a collection of functions, data (where appropriate), help files, and (ideally) vignettes that demonstrate the package's capabilities. The packages listed here are fully developed and available through CRAN or GitHub.

The following materials are under development and their titles are shared here with minimimal descriptions and without instructor guides. Links to the code are provided, however, these are works in progress and there is no guarantee that the code is fully functional.

Gathered here are other miscellaneous materials.

To use the scripts and packages gathered here, you need to install R on your computer, which is available as Free Software under a GNU General Public License, and is available for Linux, MacOS, and Windows operating systems. To install R, first go the website www.r-project.org and click on the link to CRAN on the left side of the page under the heading "Downloads." Scroll through the list of CRAN mirror sites and click on a link to a site located in your region. Select the link in the "Download and Install R" box at the top of the page that is appropriate for your operating system and follow the directions. To install a package, launch R and type install.packages("package name") at the command prompt; this will download and install the Shiny package and, ideally, other required packages. Installing a package does not make the package immediately available to you; to make the package available any R session, type load("package name") at the command prompt.

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